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You may be more familiar with the more common name for matricaria which is chamomile. It would probably make you think of chamomile tea which has been known for its calming effects. It also prevents gas from forming in your digestive tract to combat feelings of bloatedness, heartburn and nausea.

However, Matricaria is also beneficial to us in other ways.

It shows anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. This has the effect of reducing puffiness, itchiness and redness thereby preventing you from subsequently scratching and further wounding your skin.

It is also high in antioxidants to combat the effects of free radicals to prevent signs of aging such as the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

We have included Matricharia into ioula for its anti-inflammatory and skin soothing properties.

images courtesy of Nature Uninterrupted Photography and hanna plants

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